- Oct 14, 2020
Harry Paul On Disabilty & Ableism
Harry Paul
“We need to become aware of the spectrum of disabilities that’s all around us so that the people who are disabled themselves don’t have to do as much teaching” Harry Paul is an...
Listen Now- Sep 03, 2020
Angela Rasmussen On Complexity, Failure, & Communicating Effectively
Angie Rasmussen
“One of the things that’s been lost is that complexity & the nuance that’s necessary to understand” Dr. Angela Rasmussen is a virologist at Columbia Mailman School of Publi...
Listen Now- Aug 03, 2020
Adam Hill On Removing Stigma
Adam Hill
“That one person you thought was an “addict,” well, that’s me” Dr. Adam Hill is a Pediatric Oncologist & Palliative Care specialist. He is also the author of the stun...
Listen Now- Jul 01, 2020
Bob Wachter On Covid19 Communication Dynamics
Bob Wachter
“Even when we have these new channels to communicate effectively, do we know how to do that?” Dr. Bob Wachter is Chairman of the Department of Medicine at UCSF & an outstanding comment...
Listen Now- Apr 27, 2020
Sarafina Nance On Sharing Personal Journeys
Sarafina Nance
“Personal journeys are compelling & people respond to them because they see themselves” Sarafina Nance is a graduate student in Astrophysics at UC-Berkeley who is incredibly skilled at...
Listen Now- Oct 28, 2019
Kincade Fire Thoughts + Katharine Hayhoe on Health & Climate Change
Katharine Hayhoe
“The #1 question that I have gotten over the past few years is ‘What gives you hope?'” Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is a climate scientist and Professor at Texas Tech University. She is also...
Listen Now- Oct 03, 2019
Jessica Shapiro On Surviving Breast Cancer (Original Air 10/26/16)
Jessica Shapiro
As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I would like to re-release an earlier episode of Explore The Space podcast featuring Jessica Shapiro. She’s a breast cancer survivor, the voice of th...
Listen Now- Aug 26, 2019
Susmita Pati On Scientists & Communication
Susmita Pati
“Scientists are becoming more and more aware of the need to communicate the importance of science ” Susmita Pati is Chief Medical Program Advisor for the Alan Alda Center for Communicating...
Listen Now- Aug 19, 2019
Jen Gunter On Being An Expert
Jen Gunter
“All you can do is deliver the best content” Jen Gunter is the Internet’s Gynecologist, a New York Times contributor, and an amazing voice on social media. She is simultaneously rele...
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