Using The Curriculum Vitae To Promote Gender Equity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Click here for the full article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences We commend Malisch et al. on their Opinion (1) on immediate solutions to ensure gender equity during the COVID-19 pan...
White Paper On COVID-19 Contributions On A Residency/Fellowship ERAS Application
Drs. Avital O’Glasser, Vineet Arora, Shikha Jain, Charlie Wray and Mark Shapiro are pleased to present the following White Paper on COVID-19 Contributions on the ERAS Application for Residency and F...
Covid19 Contributions On A Professional CV
In collaboration with Women in Medicine, Explore The Space is proud to present the Covid19 Contribution Matrix for your Curriculum Vitae It is more critical than ever to ensure your CV accurately refl...
White Paper on Social Media & ERAS Application for Residency/Fellowship
Drs. Avital O’Glasser, Vineet Arora, Charlie Wray and Mark Shapiro are pleased to present the following White Paper on Social Media, Podcasts, & Blogs on the ERAS Application for Residency/Fell...
White Paper On Social Media & CVs
Drs. Vinny Arora, Charlie Wray and Mark Shapiro are proud to present the following White Paper on Social Media, Podcasts, and Blogs on a Professional CV....