- Sep 06, 2021
MedLasso S2, E7 with Special Guest Angela Weyand
” You didn’t realize I was so controversial!” “MedLasso” returns this Labor Day to jump into Ted Lasso season 2, episode 7. This was a heavy episode, Dr. Angela Weyand jo...
Listen Now- Aug 30, 2021
MedLasso S2, E6 with Special Guest Shikha Jain
“It’s really powerful to see the love you put into people come back to you” “MedLasso” is back to dive into Ted Lasso season 2, episode 6. I’m joined by Dr. Sayed T...
Listen Now- Aug 27, 2021
Sapphire Stubbs On Naomi Osaka, Mental Health & Inclusive Language
Sapphire Stubbs
“Sometimes you just need to feel passionate about something” Sapphire Stubbs is the Director of Marketing & Sponsorships for Racquet Magazine. She joins us on the eve of the US Open an...
Listen Now- Jun 03, 2021
David Smith On Costs Of Care
David Smith
“We put all our money in the wrong place and we don’t think about the whole person” David Smith is an economist & the CEO and founder of Third Horizon Strategies (THS), a Chicago...
Listen Now- Mar 24, 2021
Jess Cordova Kramer On Grief And Creating Change
Jess Cordova Kramer
“Sometimes you’ve got to start over, we are bold on that front” Jessica Cordova Kramer is co-founder and CEO of Lemonada Media, an award-winning podcast network, which was created in...
Listen Now- Dec 29, 2020
Kimberly Manning On Heading Into A New Year
Kimberly Manning
“I’m walking into it with my eyes open, my dukes up. I’m looking around the corner, but I’m still walking forward into it” Dr. Kimberly Manning is a Professor of Medicine...
Listen Now- Dec 24, 2020
Jasmine Marcelin On The Covid-19 Vaccine
Jasmine Marcelin
“Healthcare & medicine have to be able to say & acknowledge “there are really bad things that have happened under our watch, but this is not one of them'” Dr, Jasmine Marceli...
Listen Now- Nov 23, 2020
Ashley Bartholomew On Battling Disinformation
Ashley Bartholomew
“Sometimes the point of sharing is to get people to understand how human we are & what things are really like for us” Ashley Bartholomew is an ICU nurse in El Paso, Texas. She spent th...
Listen Now- Oct 18, 2020
Anne Peled On Breast Cancer Awareness & Action
Anne Peled
“It’s so hard to not want to have every single step planned” Dr. Anne Peled is a breast cancer & plastic surgeon in the Bay Area and is also a breast cancer survivor. She joins u...
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