
Episode 174 : Ryan Marino On Toxicology & Battling Disinformation

Featured Guest: Ryan Marino

  • Mar 06, 2020

“If people have the right to spread disinformation on social media, then it’s equally my right to spread information”

Dr. Ryan Marino is a medical Toxicologist and a power voice against medical disinformation on social media. We discuss the multiple roles a toxicologist plays, the battle against “detox” products, & pushing back against false narratives on social media. Ryan is outstanding at this work, there is much to learn from him. #DoctorsSpeakUp

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Key Learnings
1. Managing “the poisoned patient” as a medical Toxicologist

2. The wonder of Poison Control

3. What makes up bread and butter clinical toxicology

4. Engaging with the public as a toxicologist and the level of understanding

5. The insidious way “toxins” have infiltrated public discourse

6. What techniques has Ryan found helpful in discussing vaccines with people who are hesitant and what to avoid

7. Why Ryan is so committed to pushing back against false narratives on Twitter

8. Recognizing that changing one mind and impacting one person’s behavior is a tremendous victory


Twitter @ryanmarino

American College of Medical Toxicology website

#toxicology, #poison, #poisoncontrol, #detox, #toxin, #vaccine, #vaccines, #vaping, #fentanyl, #podcast, #podcasting, #healthcare, #digitalhealth, #health, #leadership, #mentorship, #coaching, #FOAmed, #doctor, #nurse, #meded, #education, #hospital, #hospitalist, #innovation, #innovate, #medicalstudent, #medicalschool, #resident, #physician

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