
Episode 134 : Jocalyn Clark on Gender Equity & The Lancet

Featured Guest: Jocalyn Clark

  • Jul 11, 2019

“This is about trying to shatter all myths, all notions about gender equity within these institutions of medicine, of science, of global health”

Jocalyn Clark is the Executive Editor of The Lancet and has her PhD in public health and women’s studies. She joins us to discuss how to drive international change around gender equity & the exceptional 2/9/19 Lancet issue, the impatience she and her team feel, and why change must come from institutions.

Key Learnings

1. A snapshot of The Lancet’s background, the current pivot in content, and the dedication to providing excellence in science along with analyzing the world’s most pressing issues.

2. How The Lancet has become a leader in gender equity and the fantastic February 9th, 2019 issue

3. Constructing an special issue that is intentionally forward facing (it’s free) and available/designed for a broad audience

4. Ways the editorial staff at The Lancet push one another to drive towards excellence and change

5. Leading towards change in traditional institutions by breaking out of silos and integrating new thinking

6. The value and importance of showcasing medical voices to culture at large on a consistent basis

7. What the response for this work has been from traditional audiences and new audiences

8. The Lancet’s superb editorial on abortion and the call for other journals to step forward and show leadership as well.

9. How Jocalyn is expressing her leadership

10. What is coming next from The Lancet


Twitter: @jocalynclark, @TheLancet

Lancet issue on gender equity: https://www.thelancet.com/issue/S0140673619X00069

Lancet editorial on abortion:


Nick Watts & Lancet Countdown on Explore The Space https://www.explorethespaceshow.com/podcasting/nick-watts-on-climate-change-human-health/

Jeffrey Drazen on Explore The Space: https://www.explorethespaceshow.com/podcasting/jeffrey-drazen-on-the-interface-between-medicine-society/

“The Case for Desegregation” https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)31353-4/fulltext

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